Hosokawa Alpine Siebmühle Bexmill

Tecnología de trituración innovadora

desde aplicaciones de laboratorio hasta producciones a gran escala

Bexmill ABM

¿Sus procesos de trituración de materiales a granel deben cumplir los requisitos más estrictos? El Bexmill ABM ofrece la solución adecuada para las industrias farmacéutica, química y alimentaria, desde las aplicaciones de laboratorio hasta la producción a gran escala de 10 t/h, y está disponible en varios tamaños para la máxima versatilidad.

  • Opciones versátiles de diseño, equipamiento y accesorios 
  • Tritura materiales blandos y semiduros en un solo paso
  • Cambio rápido de herramientas para el rotor y la criba
  • Tiempos de limpieza reducidos, fácil manejo

Principle of operation

Crushing with the Bexmill brings several advantages right from the start:

  • Bulk materials are homogenised, the flowability improved, the bulk density increased, agglomerates dispersed and rejects crushed gently
  • The conical shape of the grinding chamber guarantees high speeds, higher throughput rates and higher fineness values
  • Wide product and application range – from moist to dry feed material
  • The rotor can be adjusted without any need to open the grinding chamber, and this ensures an optimum crushing effect


Tailored to your application

  • Crushing of flakes, homogenisation of mixtures, disintegration of agglomerates, finishing of granulates
  • After mixer agglomeration, after fluid beds and kilns
Leche en polvo

Powdered milk

The deagglomeration of the powder downstream of the mixing and drying steps constitutes an essential element of the production of high-quality milk powder.

Azúcar en cubos

Salt & Sugar lumps

Hygroscopic products have a tendency to form lumps during their storage. Homogenisation ensures a smooth production process.

Productos de panadería

Salty snacks / Sweet pastries

Broken goods need no longer be disposed of but can rather be returned to the production process as rework material.

Bexmill ABM 80 ABM 125 ABM 150 ABM 200 ABM 225 ABM 300 ABM 325 ABM 400 ABM 600
Drive (kW) from above 0.55 - 1.5 4 - 5.5 - 15 22
Drive (kW) from below - 1.5 - - 4 - 7.5 - -
Weight (kg) 90 250 200 200 350 380 450 480 700
Throughput (kg/h) 10-100 20-200 20-200 100-1,000 100-1,000 500-4,000 500-4,000 1,000-8,000 1,500-10,000
Smallest batch size (g) 100 150 250 500 500 750 750 1,000 1,500

The facts speak for themselves


  • Dust-tight
  • Product-contacted parts in stainless steel
  • FDA-approved


  • ATEX design
  • Position of drive
  • Gas-thight design
  • Installation frame in mobile design
  • Flange geometry


  • Rotor
  • Inlet and outlet
  • Screens

Your screen for optimum product quality

Choose a screen insert depending on the product properties for the perfext interaction between the grinding tool and the screen:

  • Round perforations
  • Rasp-like perforations
  • Slotted perforations
  • Square perforations

The amount of energy required is generally low and corresponds roughly to the force that one can apply by manual crushing. The product is crushed between the rotor and the screen. A defined top cut is achieved in this way. Typical screen mesh sizes range from 0.5 – 10 mm.

Thanks to the low energy input, the end product is low in fines and the crushing process is low in noise. The feed material must not necessarily be dosed. The machine does not need to be dedusted. 

Test before you buy

Our test center can perform product trials with your test material. That lets you see the quality of our systems for yourself.

We will be happy to advise you – get in touch with us!

Folleto Bexmill ABM

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