Sala de máquinas
Turbo Twin Double TTD

Turbo Twin Double TTD

  • Alta capacidad para finos y máxima extracción de material fino con una sola rueda clasificadora
  • Clasificación ultrafina según el tamaño del clasificador en el rango d97 = 3 µm hasta d97 = 45 µm
  • Rueda clasificadora con cojinetes en ambos lados
  • Salida de material fino de doble flujo
  • Introducción optimizada de material directamente a la rueda clasificadora
  • Accionamiento directo con cojinete de motor reforzado
  • Diseño compacto y funcional

The ultrafine classifier TTD is second to none when it comes to classifying soft to medium-hard minerals at high throughputs, for example in the production of fillers. The patented classifying wheel geometry of the Turbo Twin permits high throughput rates and loading factors at high fineness values of up to d97 = 3.0 μm. Due to the low pressure drop of the TTD, this machine is characterised by its high energy efficiency. Savings of up to 25 % are possible.

The classifying wheel is supported in bearings on both sides and permits extremely high peripheral speeds of up to 120 m/s. Another unique feature is the optimised product routing direct to the classifying wheel. This prevents any backmixing with the already classified coarse material. It is no longer necessary to adjust the classifying wheel gap, which simplifies maintenance tremendously. There are currently six machine sizes available: 200, 315, 500, 630, 800 and 1,000.


The TTD classifier is ideal for the ultrafine classification of soft to medium hard materials.

Product examples:

  • Industrial fillers
  • Calcium carbonat (GCC)
  • Talcum
  • Dolomite
  • Barite
  • Kaolin
Folleto TTD

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